Zoella writing Girl Online 2 without ghostwriter

Zoella, the YouTube star, is writing her new novel without the aid of a ghostwriter, she has said, following controversy over her debut book. Tabloid in long-form, Anger details the scandals of Tinseltown’s very first stars (including Rudolph Valentino, Roscoe Arbuckle, and Clara Bow) against the backdrop of a city charged by rampant debauchery and…

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Why Poldark is the TV hit of the year

Preposterous as all this might have seemed to some at the more cold-hearted end of the viewer spectrum, for those of us swept up in the onrushing drama it was impossible not to capitulate to the sweeping romance of it. “Today I was asked when I realized I was in the wrong body. As much…

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Why Poldark is the TV hit of the year

Preposterous as all this might have seemed to some at the more cold-hearted end of the viewer spectrum, for those of us swept up in the onrushing drama it was impossible not to capitulate to the sweeping romance of it. “Today I was asked when I realized I was in the wrong body. As much…

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The new midlife crisis


As Spotify declare that 42 is the age people start listening to chart music again, we examine the new rules of having a midlife crisis. How did we swap the Ferrari for Taylor Swift? Wear it dry, and you’ve got your standard dusting of color—classic and predictable (in a good way). But wet! Wearing it…

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The new midlife crisis


As Spotify declare that 42 is the age people start listening to chart music again, we examine the new rules of having a midlife crisis. How did we swap the Ferrari for Taylor Swift? Wear it dry, and you’ve got your standard dusting of color—classic and predictable (in a good way). But wet! Wearing it…

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Game of Thrones, season six: news and rumours

Does it matter if the show is deviating from Martin’s books? … The latest news on the cast, characters, directors and writers of Game of Thrones season five. “Today I was asked when I realized I was in the wrong body. As much as it took me a really long time to come to terms…

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