Most Famous Brides of all time: Priscilla Presley

Whoever decided May and June primetime for nuptials was a marketing genius—though a fair amount of credit is probably due to the brides who decided they just weren’t into the whole. “Today I was asked when I realized I was in the wrong body. As much as it took me a really long time to…

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Fashion People Are Already Requesting The Marc Jacobs


Marc Jacobs’ Fall 2014 collection was a study in tonality, and so were the wigs, individually dyed to match the pinks, creams, beiges, and brown shades of the clothes. Wear it dry, and you’ve got your standard dusting of color—classic and predictable (in a good way). But wet! Wearing it wet opens a whole new…

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Fashion People Are Already Requesting The Marc Jacobs


Marc Jacobs’ Fall 2014 collection was a study in tonality, and so were the wigs, individually dyed to match the pinks, creams, beiges, and brown shades of the clothes. Wear it dry, and you’ve got your standard dusting of color—classic and predictable (in a good way). But wet! Wearing it wet opens a whole new…

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Big, Curly Hair: How To Manage God-Given Volume

Kate Branch has a great head of hair—we’re talking signature volume and texture. Which is why, when she told us that she’d spent most of her lifetime in an epic battle against it, we pressed her on what changed her mind. Her response involved Sally Singer, Solange, and blowdrying only the top fourth of her…

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Big, Curly Hair: How To Manage God-Given Volume

Kate Branch has a great head of hair—we’re talking signature volume and texture. Which is why, when she told us that she’d spent most of her lifetime in an epic battle against it, we pressed her on what changed her mind. Her response involved Sally Singer, Solange, and blowdrying only the top fourth of her…

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Try This Cleansing Cream

As dumb luck would have it, I stumbled into the hair equivalent of an e-cigarette entirely by accident. Tabloid in long-form, Anger details the scandals of Tinseltown’s very first stars (including Rudolph Valentino, Roscoe Arbuckle, and Clara Bow) against the backdrop of a city charged by rampant debauchery and high glamour. Whereas Hollywood Babylon deals mostly with…

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Step Inside a Layered Family Home With Character

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